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backyard variant: Le Premier Homme Debout

maart 25, 2023 @ 11:00 - maart 26, 2023 @ 11:00

LDHD/LDDD 2023 (5TH EDITION) | MARCH 25 – 26, 2023
That’s kind of the concept of Last Man Standing. “Run, eat, drink and leave”.
A concept that allows everyone to push their limits and taste the effort of (very) long distance. An extraordinary atmosphere, collective emulation and a race format that pushes everyone much further than he/she had imagined.

In 2018, 279 runners took on this new concept. 18 hours and 131 kilometers later, there was only one left, Eric Brossard who will forever remain the first Last Man Standing.
In 2019, 375 runners took the start of the 2nd edition. There was only one left at 7am the next day, Paul Meurisse. After 20 hours of racing, 146 kilometers and 5720D+.
In 2021, 209 starters and a record: three riders in the last lap, three finishers but only one winner. Matthieu Tharion who completes 175 kilometers and 6840 D+ in 24 hours and who wins again in 2022 in a last lap of madness, against 4 brave opponents. Matthieu will once again wear bib number 1 this year. For a third victory in a row?

In 2023, the organization of the LDHD offers you a brand new loop, even more selective but with an identical concept. Sixty minutes, not a second more, to “close the loop”. Otherwise, it is elimination. 300 runners at the start, only one at the final finish: The Last Man Standing.
From 7.3 to 175 kilometres, everyone sets their own goal. With a single constraint, validate your loop in less than an hour to be able to set off again. Tick ​​tock, tick tock, every second counts….

New this year, the race is open to teams of 2 and 3 for a unique experience sharing!
What a way to taste the unique atmosphere of a weekend entirely dedicated to surpassing oneself… »


maart 25, 2023 @ 11:00
maart 26, 2023 @ 11:00
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