De Facebookpagina van de organisatie werkt niet meer. Er is verder nergens informatie te vinden. Behalve op de website van Be.Trail waar te lezen is dat de wedstrijd ook in 2023 is geannuleerd.
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Hello all,
Given the situation that concerns us and which gives little real progress in terms of individual freedoms even if we remain positive on the subject, we are forced to postpone the event from March 26-27, 2022 to 2023.
As a reminder, this event resumes on Saturday an official opening of the Trail base with various activities and on Sunday, the first edition of the NamVenture Trail over distances of 10 to 45km.
There are several reasons, both financial and logistical constraints require a huge investment and this over two different days in all its aspects (Security, test, ..) but also with very important issues (Partners, project, …).
Another reason but much more positive, despite this postponement, the Base de Trail project is still relevant. This project wants to be part of the current movement that the City of Namur is setting up in other disciplines but also in trail running. Without counting either on the Walloon Region.
Discussions have begun to define the most strategic “base point” so that it is best linked to other activities located in the municipality.
More information will follow in the first half of 2022.
Until then, take care of yourself and your loved ones.
Pascal 😒
Informatie editie 2022 die vanwege Corona een jaar werd uitgesteld:
Evenement van NamVenture Trail – Road to 2022
Naninne, Namur, Belgique
Duur: 1 dag
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NamVenture Trail 1st Edition
En marge de l’ouverture officielle de la base de Trail permanente dans la région de Namur (Sud), nous lançons la première édition du NamVenture Trail qui comprendra:
Le samedi 26 mars:
-Ouverture de la base de Trail
-Parcours Rando ou Trail non chronométré sur les 8 traces permanentes
-Bar, petites restaurations, courses enfants.
Le dimanche 27 mars: NamVenture Trail
-Un Trail découverte de 10km
-Un Trail piquant de 22km
-Un Trail brûlant de 33km
-Et MaraTrail explosif de 45km!
Les D+ varieront de +-300m à +-1700m et chatouilleront délicatement vos petits mollets!
Sans oublier une after digne de ce nom!