The Maurienne FORT’iche

Information from this 115K trail, alternating Englisch and French language!

{b}The Maurienne FORT’iche{eb}

Dear Participating Friends,

You are going to be participating in a race / trek “pure nature” which is particularly difficult within its 2nd edition category (N.B. even though this race is far from being close to some of the 100-mile races in America…reassunng, huh?).

Organizers of this race wish to keep this race simple and discrete, avoiding any major hype, while at the same time keeping all of you satisfied and happy.

This race / trek will allow you the opportunity to cross a mid to high-mountain region that is little known to some and unknown to many. A part of this race takes place during the night and, for the most part, follows only paths, trails and county roads. There is a set time limit to finish the race which is, however, feasible. There are two elimination points along the course where participants may be disqualified and eliminated for medical reasons.

The ‘FORT’iche de Maurienne’ is a race that requires excellent and intense preparation and an intense physical condition. This is the explication as to why the application forms of all participants must be accompanied by a medical certificate, runners and walkers alike. Runners are required to supply a recent medical certificate (in addition to the one included with your application form) dating back no more than one month before the race date. This medical certificate will have to be shown at the time of number distribution.

Certain equipment is required, other equipment is. optional yet recommended (see RULES). You will have the opportunity to change clothes mid-course. Family, friends and supporters can cheer you on at numerous posts along the race. These ‘posts’ are accessible by car and by foot.

There are certain areas where you will have to run across grazing fields: be careful for the electric fences (they will be well-marked!) and you must be sure to close gates after passing through.

Finally, we ask that special attention be given in the respect for nature. NO LITTERING. Trash bins will be available at each replenishing station. Make sure to think ahead about those who will be cleaning up after you.

Prizes and prize money have not yet been determined. You will have all necessary information at the briefing just before the race.

Race organizers have planned on an “end of race” party (sign-up for participants and family / friends must be done in advance). Souvenirs will be awarded to all participants, gifts for those who finish and numerous drawings will take place during the party.

This competition will also allow you the opportunity to enrich yourself of a different culture (numerous Forts along the run) and at the same time discover different tourist sites along the Maurienne Valley.

Housing possibilities are numerous, whether it be near the starting line near VALLOIRE, at mid-course in MODANE or near the finish line in the VAL CENIS I LANSLEBOURG area (see attached information sheet; red.: not available on this page!).

The starting line and the finish line are NOT at the same place. For this reason, it is absolutely necessary that you take care of arranging your own transportation at the finish line. Organizers have arranged for those who do not finish the race to be taken back to Val Cenis / Lanslebourg. However, if those who cannot finish the race have a means of transportation near the area where they quit the race, they are allowed to return on their, own, but only after giving back their number.

Organizers made special efforts so that this race I trek will be particularly authentic, flin and serious for all participants. We hope that you will enjoy the Maurienne, an exceptionally beautiflil region. We also ask that you forgive us for any unplanned and unavoidable mistakes or mishaps due to the ‘newness’ of this race and ‘first time planning’.

Finally, we thank you in advance for taking interest and being a part of the “2nd” runing of the Maurienne FORT’iche, which may be and become, perhaps, a landmark.

Good Luck and See You Soon “in our valley”,

Raymond RAMINA


Notre première édition a rassemblé 130 partants. Malgré notre bonne volonté et notre travail, nous avons du hélas relever des insuffisances et des imperfections, qui seront corrigées lors de la seconde édition.

Cette année, une epreuve plus longue et un départ groupé de bonne heure le samedi matin (5 h 00), devraient permettre aux premiers d’arriver dejour ( vers 21 h 00), mais aussi à l’ensemble des concurrents de traverser tous les lieux habités pendant la journée.

La duree de course est limitée à 32 heures; on peut la décomposer de la façon suivante:
– 45 km avec 7200 m de dvnivelé positif parcourus à 2,5 km /h = 18 heures.
– 70 km restants de descente et de plat parcourus à 5 km / h = 14 heures.
Soit 32 heures au total.

Il s’agit d’une course nature en haute-montagne, sans difficulté majeure, qui comporte deux tronçons:

1er tronçon (VALLOIRE – BRAMANS)

80 km, 3700 m de dénivelé positif, essentiellement sur GR 57-A et CR5, avec l’ascension de trois cols principaux (col de la Plagnette – 2530 m – au km 12; col des Marches – 2725 m – au km 40; crête des Batailières – 2804 m – au km 50). Le reste est très roulant, pente ou descente do uce parfois très longue, et plat; traversée des stations de Valloire, Valmenier (km 30), Valfréjus (km 60), passage à proximité de La Norma et Aussois (km 70). Traversée des communes de Fourneaux, Modane, Avrieux, Bramans. Découverte des forts du Télégraphe, du Lavoir, du Replaton, de Saint – Cobain, Victor-Emmanuel, et Marie-Thérèse.

Ce 1er tronçon comporte le point d’élimination numéro 1 au km 75 (fort Marie-Thérèse – altitude 1250 m), qu’il faut avoir franchi pour 21 h 00 (soit en 16 heures, d’où une moyenne inférieure à 5 km/h). Ce lieu, contrôle médical, offre la possibilité de changer de vêtements et de prendre wie alimentation chaude. Si d’aventure, pour certains d’entre vous à bout de forces, le chemin devait s’arrêter là, il sera établi un classement sans récompense …. mais vous ne serez alors que des « fortichons >>!


35 km, 3500 m de dénivelé positif, c’est le phis difficile. Il emprunte des sentiers de montagne, des pierriers, et des alpages. Il comprend la longue montée du Mont Froid (2822 m – au km 85) avec ses deux forts, puis après une descente, le passage du col des Randouillards (2747 m – au km 90), la combe de Cléry et le fort de la Turra, le Pas de Ia Béccia (2717 m – au km 95) qui domine Ic lac du Mont-Cenis (magnifique point de vue), la longue descente sur Savalin (2012 In – au km 100) point d’élimination numéro 2 qu’il faut avoir quitté pour 8 h 00 le dimanche, et enfin la remontée vers le fort de Malamot (2915 m au km 115) en passant par celui de Pattacreuse. Retour vers le barrage du Mont-Cenis (2000 m – au km 110) flanqué du fort de Varisselle, puis ultime montée vers le fort de Ronce (2294 m) avant de rejoindre l’arrivée au plan des Fontainettes.

Notre course, Grand Raid FFME, doit respecter un cahier des charges très strict, en particulier en ce qui concerne l’equipement mais aussi le balisage de l’itinéraire, pour lequel il faut tenir compte des exigences administratives. Ii est donc nécessaire de concilier les deux sans tomber dans l’excès («le trop ou le pas assez>>). Ainsi, de jour, le fléchage existant du GR, amélioré par un balisage approprié et de la peinture au sol, et de nuit Un éclairage par bâtonnets lumineux, brûlots et bandes rétro- réfléchissantes faciliteront votre déplacement.

Ce genre d’épreuve nécessite au mieux une reconnaissance totale ou partielle, et au pire une étude des cartes (voir réf. sur feuille itinéraire), afin de s’imprégner de la topographic, de l’orientation, des sentiers, des agglomérations et des points remarquables. Cela permet peut-être de ne pas se retrouver en terrain totalement inconnu le jour de l’épreuve. Elle garde malgré tout son esprit d’aventure, et c’est bien là une part du charme de cette discipline.

Enfin, cette épreuve s’inscrit dans le challenge FFME des Grands Raids, et les premiers (homme et femme), se verront offrir une invitation pour participer à la finale (lieu non fixé à ce jour).

1- Race: approximately 115 kilometers running in nature including a 7200-meter positive climb, following paths, trails and marked sign-posted country roads. This is a one day, non-stop run. Time limit: 32 hours
The race includes 2 elimination points, one at the 75 kilometer mark and one at the 100-kilometer mark. Organizers reserve the right to disqualify and eliminate any participant for medical reasons. This race requires adapted training and optimal physical conditioning. Departure: Saturday 5H00.

2- Admission Conditions: All participants must provide a medical certificate at the moment of sign-up (aptitude to perform long and intense physical efforts at high altitudes). Runners will be required to submit a second medical certificate dating back no more than one month before the race. This race is open to both sexes, however, participants must be at least 18-years old by the race date (Junior and Veterans 3 Category).

3- Equipment:
-The following equipment is required by ALL participants (will be checked before race):
Required: backpack, flashlight with an extra light bulb and battery, survival blanket, at least one liter of water, distress/emergency whistle, elastic Ace bandage, 2 energy bars, one change of clothing (at least one T-shirt), a map, a helmet, a compass.
Authorized: ski pole
Recommended: sponge, sun cream, personal products
Race Number must be completely visible in it’s totality

4- Sign-Up: Must sign-up before June 30, 2001. The race participation fee has been set at 400 French Francs until June 16, 2001. After this date, the fee will increase to 450 French Francs. This fee includes race participation, a “Pasta Party”, costs for numerous replenishing / refueling stations, gifts for all participants and prizes for all who finish, “End of Race” Party and costs to mail results.

5- Replenishing / Refueling and Check Points: Organizers have arranged for about 20 replenishing stations along the race, approximately every 3 to 7 kilometers. Typical long distance race food and drink will be provided as well as hot food and drink at mid~course (pasta, broth, coffee, tea, etc.). You will have the opportunity to leave a change of clothes and a ski pole at the reception area near the starting line which will be made available to you at a station near the 75-kilometer line.

6- Medical Assistance and Security: A medical team will be present along the entire distance of the race. This team will be responsible for First-Aid, if needed by any of the participants, at various stations. This medical team will conduct a medical check-up and reserves the right to disqualify and eliminate, at any moment, any participant judged inapt to continue the race, putting his/her own health and security, as well as that of others, in danger. Furthermore, each participant must abide to help any participant whose health or security seems to be at risk.

7- Withdrawal: In case of withdrawal, participants must notify the closest check point where numbers must be returned. Upon withdrawal, if possible, participants can leave by their own means of transportation, after approval has been granted. Otherwise, participants will be driven by race organizers to the finishing area.

8- Insurance: Organizers have arranged for third party liability coverage. Participants act / race under their own full responsibility, with no recourse action possible against the organizers for possible injury or damage, and future consequences, in any way connected with the race. Each participant must subscribe to an insurance program covering costs of rescue and repatriation.

9- Family and Friends: In order to avoid all litigation and fraud, the presence of family members and friends, as well as dogs, is prohibited along the race. However, family and friends will be allowed to encourage participants at numerous marked stations along the race which will be accessible by car or by foot.

10- Results / Rank / Prizes: Results will be based on general ranking as well as on categories (male and female).
– prizes will be awarded to the first three participants to cross the finish line in the ‘general’ category. prizes will also be awarded to the first to cross the finish line in each category (male and female), the first foreigner (male and female). Prizes can not be accumulated
– Trophies
– Quality gifts for all who cross the finish line.
There will also be numerous drawings for all participants enabling them to win trips and sporting equipment.

11- Cancellation: Organizers reserve the right to cancel the race in case of bad weather conditions and/or for security reasons.

12- Media Coverage: Participants authorize organizers to use any photos, images and/or video tape taken during this event for promotional reasons.

13- Transportation: Each participant must have a means of transportation at the finish line area (Val Cenis / Lanslebourg).

14- Program: See enclosed document. Red: not available on this page.

15- Participation: Participation is limited to a maximum of 300 runners. The last date to sign-up is on June 30, 2001 or as soon as maximum limitation quotas have been reached.

Anton Smeets