November 4th, run for freedom

Follow up after first reactions on “Terrorists will not cancel events.”

We want to make November 4th a worldwide day for run for freedom. As you all know, it is the day of NYC marathon. Not everybody is able to run NYC marathon. Mainly it must be a moment to meet your closest running friends, have NYC, its victims and its marathon in mind
You can go to one of the usual cities that organise some marathon. Come together and start at 10:50 local time (10:50 a.m. NY time, the NYC marathon will start). You can follow the original course and run a marathon, or find some ice and safe loop through the city.

See also;

For German language see:

Others are asked to copy this information and pass it to others.

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Terrorists will not cancel events.

Also the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington on October 28th will go on! The 1300, 1000 and 700 mile races at NY continu.

September 12, 2001
Dear Friends,

The Marine Corps Marathon staff are all well. Fortunately for the staff, we did not have any meetings schedule at the Pentagon on Tuesday.

Our marathon course around the Pentagon (Miles 4-6) has been affected.

We will be working closely with the National Park Service and all Police agencies to ensure a safe course.

We will have a race on October 28. The terrorist will not cancel this event.
Semper Fidelis,

Rick Nealis
Director, Marine Corps Marathon


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The Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team offers its condolences to all the victims of the terrorist atrocities that struck the United States on Sept. 11. The Ultra Trio is in progress and will continue on Wards Island,NYC, as the runners wish to remain in the race. If there is any danger,of course, the race will be stopped. Wards Island is about ten miles away from lower Manhattan. One concern is toxic smoke, which has not reached Wards Island, yet.


Note: The race started on September 4th and is still going on. The 1000 mile is the longest official distance of IAU. Each month te is a rainbow marthon in NY, next is September 16 Sunday 8 am Wards Island Park!

Anton Smeets