EC 24 hours, after 10:00 hours race

Voor menigeen al gesneden koek, maar voor mij natuurlijk nieuw om vanuit de eigen luie stoel thuis zo’n 24-uurs online te volgen. Ton, ik zit hier thuis echt te genieten. Grote klasse dat je dit weer neerzet!
Groetjes, Guus Smit

ik begin net even je verslagen te lezen en het … Lees meer

EC 24 hours, after 11:45′

24 Hours Apeldoorn 2001;Classification
StartNCat Naam Nat Club Rondes Afstand LastPassag
12 Msen KURBATOV, VLADIMIR RUS ARAF 82 135448 11:32:32
20 Msen BECKERS, PAUL BEL KBAB 82 135448 11:34:32
2 M45 GUYOMARCH, JEAN-PIERRE FRA FFA 80 132144 11:34:14
26 Msen LUKAS, JENS DUI DLV 78 128840 11:31:05
8 Msen … Lees meer

EC 24 hours, after 13:30′

Gerrit van Rotterdam (NED)
Ik heb geen diepgang op dit moment hiervoor. Daar komt Wim aan, dat is een zinnige opmerking (aldus voor u genoteerd)!

From the British team – its just past the halfway point and the team have been through some “lows” but they are all out there … Lees meer

EC 24 hours, after 15:15′

24 Hours Apeldoorn 2001;Classification
StartNr Cat Naam Nat Club Rondes Afstand LastPassage
20 Msen BECKERS, PAUL BEL KBAB 106 175091 15:10:12
12 Msen KURBATOV, VLADIMIR RUS ARAF 106 175091 15:15:44
26 Msen LUKAS, JENS DUI DLV 103 170135 15:13:35
2 M45 GUYOMARCH, JEAN-PIERRE FRA FFA 100 165180 15:06:57
8 … Lees meer

EC 24 hours, after 16:00′

The sun is with us again. Temperature of 25 degrees Celsius or more are predicted for today. At this moment the temperature rises by about one degree every ten minutes. For those who are walking at the moment the warmth will do well, for others perhaps it will be really … Lees meer

EC 24 hours, after 19:30′

24 Hours Apeldoorn 2001;Classification
StartNr Cat Naam Nat Club Rondes Afstand LastPassage
12 Msen KURBATOV, VLADIMIR RUS ARAF 132 218038 19:32:14
20 Msen BECKERS, PAUL BEL KBAB 131 216386 19:29:14
26 Msen LUKAS, JENS DUI DLV 129 213082 19:26:07
8 Msen ANISIMOV, EVGENII RUS ARAF 123 203171 19:26:53
5 … Lees meer

EC 24 hours, after 21:30′

Only two and a half hours to go, implies it is getting electrifying. But before I’ll give information at the lead of the individual race, I will give you the intermediate team results after 20:00 hours race.

RUS 624K
GER 604K
FRA 586K
BEL 579K
ITA 526K
NED 510K… Lees meer

EC 24 hours, after 22:00 hours

Now with two hours to go the gap between the nr.1 Vladimir Kurbatov and nr. 2 Paul Beckers is only six minutes, and between Paul Beckers and Jens Lukas also six minutes.
And from the announcer I hear that the gap between Vladimir and Paul is reduced to 5’45 ! … Lees meer

EC 24 hours, after 22:30′

24 Hours Apeldoorn 2001;Classification
StartNr Cat Naam Nat Club Rondes Afstand LastPassage
12 Msen KURBATOV, VLADIMIR RUS ARAF 148 244466 22:19:40
20 Msen BECKERS, PAUL BEL KBAB 148 244466 22:25:50
26 Msen LUKAS, JENS DUI DLV 147 242815 22:24:38
8 Msen ANISIMOV, EVGENII RUS ARAF 140 231252 22:18:31
134 … Lees meer

EC 24 hours, after 23:15′

Sorry not being objective, but this Dutchman lives about half a mile apart from Belgium. Paul Beckers house is about 50 km.

It was Paul attacking, folowed by a counter of Vladimir. A second attack to the leading position was too much. Vladimir was burned out. Now Paul has lead … Lees meer