In remembrance of Guus Smit

Many people have given their thoughts to globetrotter Guus Smit; some of these thoughts are given here.

Dear Anton,

My name is Serge Girard, I ran the Trans Gaule the last September with Guus. A wonderful guy, full of life and happiness. It’s difficult for me to believe the reality. The life is sometimes unfair and cruel. Today all ultrarunners are in mourning, and I think that each of us will go on to run with a part of Guus in our mind.
I send all my support to Guus’ family for this tragedy.

Best Regards
Serge Girard and his wife Laure

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We were horrified to hear of the death of our friend Guus Smit. My wife & I ran with Guus in La Transe Gaule a few weeks ago. He helped us a great deal during the race when we were struggling with injuries. His wonderful attitude and compassion for all the runners was something we will remember & cherish forever. I had emailed with Guus recently regarding a plan for him to come to
Colorado to run the Leadville Trail 100 mile. We were already looking forward eagerly to hosting Guus for our “local” race next August.

What a terrible tragedy. We can only imagine that Guus is now and forever running wonderful trails & skiing steep couloirs in the most beautiful mountains.

I hope you will be able to provide some details on what happened.
I saw the information on, but have difficulty with the language.


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I don’t speak your language so I am not sure you did put your e.mail address
for that,…
Anyway, my husband, Luc did run the Transe Gaule this year with Guus and I
did follow the Race with our baby…Just to say that we are so sad. To meet
such a runner was a pleasure and he will miss us a lot. Always joking,
lively…it’s difficult to imagine, he will not run and laugh anymore…here
at least.
Please, transmit all our thoughts to his family and his friends

Alix Dumont Saint Priest
Chargée de communication

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Those who want to write to Guus’ parents and family can do so on
The many responses so far are a great support to his family, dealing with the terrible lost of their son and brother.

On behalf of the family Smit,
Anton Smeets