Festival along the Danube (HUN)

The 14th, 15th and 16th March 2003

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1037 Budapest, M=E9csvir=E1g u. 103.
Tel/Fax: 36-1-250-5631 Tel: 36-30-201-6765
e-mail: ujj.zoltan@freemail.hu

The 14th, 15th and 16th March 2003

1. 9th Dunamenti Supermarathon (14th, 15th and 16th March)
=09150 km (54-54-42 km)
(Supermarathon along the Danube)
2. 7th Dunamenti V=E1lt=F3verseny (5persons teams) (15th and 16th=20
March) 108 km (54-54 km)
(Relay along the Danube)
3. 6th Dunamenti Maraton (16th March)=09=09=09
=0942 km
(Marathon along the Danube)
4. 6th Dunamenti F=E9lmaraton (16th March)=09=09=09
=0921 km
(Halfmarathon along the Danube)
5. 6th Dunamenti T=EDzes (16th March)=09=09=09
=0910,5 km
(Ten along the Danube)
6. 2nd Dunamenti =D6t=F6s (16th March)=09=09=09
=095 km
(Five along the Danube)
7. 4th Dunamenti Mikromaraton (16th March)=09=09
=092 km
(Micromarathon along the Danube)
8. 2nd Dunamenti Ovimaraton (16th March)=09=09
=09300 m
(Babymarathon along the Danube)
9. 2nd Dunamenti Szakaszos Triatlon (16th March)=09=0920 =96 5 =96=20
0,75 km
(Periodic Triathlon along the Danube)
10. 6th Dunamenti Gyalogt=FAra (15th March)=09=09
=0935 km
(Walking tour along the Danube)
11. 2nd B=F6rzs=F6ny k=F6r Ker=E9kp=E1rt=FAra (15th March)=09=09130 and=20
40 km
(Round the B=F6rzs=F6ny by bike)

Start and finish: every day in V=E1c, Szenth=E1roms=E1g t=E9r
Start time: between 8 and 10 o=92clock
Probable number of participants: 1000-1500 persons


The 14th, 15th and 16th March 2003-02-06
1.=099th Dunamenti Supermaraton 150 km (14th-15th-16th March=20
2003 at 10.30 o=92clock) (Supermarathon along the Danube)
14th March: V=E1c =96 Sejce =96 V=E1c (cca. 54 km) time limit: 8 hours
15th March: Esztergom-P=E1rk=E1ny-Letk=E9s-Szob-V=E1c (cca. 54 km) time=20
limit: 8 hours
16th March: V=E1c-Sz=F5dliget-V=E1c (42 km) time limit: 6 hours
Categories: absolute, 18-40 years, 40-50 years, 50-60 years, over 60=20
Remuneration: first, second and third placed in absolute and in age=20
categories male and female
2.=097th Dunamenti V=E1lt=F3verseny (Relay along the Danube) 107=20
km (15th and 16th March 10.30 o=92clock)
15th March: Esztergom-P=E1rk=E1ny-Letk=E9s-Szob-V=E1c (cca. 54 km) 5 x 10,8=
16th March: V=E1c-Sz=F5dliget-V=E1c (53 km) 5 x 10,6 km
Categories: absolute, 14-18 years, 18-40 years, over 40 years (mixed=20
teams are evaluated in age category 18-40 years)
Remuneration: first-second-third placed team in every category (male=20
and female)
3.=096th Dunamenti Maraton (Marathon along the Danube) 16th=20
March 10.30 o=92clock 42.195 meters, time limit: 6 hours
4.=096th Dunamenti F=E9lmaraton (Halfmarathon along the Danube)=20
16th March 10.30 o=92clock 21.097,5 meters, time limit: 3 hours
5.=096th Dunamenti T=EDzes (Ten along the Danube) 16th March=20
10.30 o=92clock 10.549 meters
6.=092nd Dunamenti =D6t=F6s (Five along the Danube) 16th March=20
10.30 o=92clock 5.000 meters
Categories: absolute, under 18 years (except marathon), 18-40 years,=20
40-50 years, over 50 years
Remuneration: in every distance the first-second-third placed (male and=20
female) become an individual medal and a present
Refreshment: in every 5 km water, mineral, soft drinks, biscuit, glucose,=
Pasta party 14th and 15th March after the race
Every starters becomes a special T-shirt.
7.=094th Dunamenti Mikromaraton (Micromarathon along the=20
Danube)(16th March 10.00 o=92clock) 2 km
Categories: 7-8 years, 9-10 years, 11-12 years, 13-14 years, 15-18=20
Remuneration: : in every category the first-second-third placed (male=20
and female) become an individual medal and a present
Every starters becomes a gift.
8.=092nd Dunamenti Ovimaraton (Babymarathon along the=20
Danube) (16th March 9.30 o=92clock) 300 meters
Remuneration: : in every distance the first-second-third placed (male=20
and female) become an individual medal and a present
Every starters becomes a gift.
Entry: by cheque or by bank transfer to the bank account of Z=F6ldg=F6mb=20
Sport Klub at Postabank, number of the account: 11991102-02164609
On-the-spot entry:=0913th March from 14.00 to 20.00 o=92clock=20
=09=09=0914th March from 8.00 to 18.00 o=92clock
=09=09=0915th March from 8.00 to 20.00 o=92clock
=09=09=0916th March from 8.00 to 10.30 o=92clock in=20
the race center
Entry fee: =09=09until 12th March=09=09from 13th=20
Supermarathon=09=0990 euro=09=09=09
=09120 euro
Relay=09=09=09100 euro/team=09=09
=09150 euro/team
(Half)marathon=09=0910 euro=09=09=09
=0915 euro
10 and 5 km=09=095 euro=09=09=09
=0910 euro
Mikromarathon=09=093 euro=09=09=09
=093 euro
Closing ceremony: 16th March at 16.00 o=92clock in the Mayor Office in the=
ceremonial hall

responsible publisher
Anton Smeets ton.smeets@ou.nl