IAU komt met nieuwe statuten

Ton Smeets gaf ons vast de Engelse versie door, van de statuten zoals deze in September ter goedkeuring worden voorgelegd.



IAU Bureau
“Beyond the Marathon”
16 Dudley Road
Grantham Lincs
United Kingdom

Fax. 44 1476 578 822

Tel. 44 1476 409 409
IAU Constitution


International Association of Ultrarunners

International Amateur Athletic Federation

IAU Member
An IAAF Member affiliated to the IAU
A National Utrarunning Association affiliated to the IAU that does not have the IAAF
Member as the IAU Member

IAU Associate Member
A National U1trarunning Association affiliated to the IAU that does have the IAAF Member as the IAU Member

IAU Individual Member
Individuals contributing to the aims of the IAU and accepted by the IAU as Individual Members

IAAF Member
Any National Governing Body affiliated to the IAAF

Ultradistance events
Road races, trail races or track running events beyond the distance of the Marathon; the standard distance recognised by the IAAF is the l00kms on road; the other standard distances and events recognised by IAU (on road and track) are 50kms, 6 hours, 100 miles, 24 hours, 48 hours, 6 days and 1000 miles.

Absolute majority
An absolute majority is half the votes cast plus 1.

Special Majority
A two-thirds of the votes of those Members present voting at a Congress, such two-thirds to represent at least one half of the total voting power of all Members of the IAU

The IAU works under the Patronage of the IAAF and is dedicated to developing
ultradistance running internationally within IAAF Rules & Regulations
The IAU shall comprise:
a. as IAU Members, the IAAF members which apply to be IAU Members
b. as IAU Members, the National Ultrarunning Associations of IAAF Member countries that do not have the IAAF Member as the IAU Member. Membership is obtained by application.
c. as IAU Associate Member, the National Ultrarunning Associations of IAAF Member countries that do have IAAF Members as the IAU Members as individual race organisations.
Membership is obtained by application.
d. as IAU Individual Members, those individuals contributing to the aims of the IAU who apply for membership and who are accepted by the IAU as Individual Members
A Bureau shall be established in Grantham, GBR (“Beyond the Marathon”, 16 Dudley Road) to carry out the administration of the IAU in accordance with the decisions of Congress and Executive Council. The location may be changed by a specific decision of the Executive Council.

The objects of the IAU shall be
To establish friendly and loyal co-operation between all Members, athletes, clubs and organisers for the benefit of ultradistance running throughout the world.
To compile rules, regulations and guidelines governing ultradistance international competitions
To approve the date, the venue and conditions for the annual 100km World Challenge under the Patronage of the IAAF.
To decide the creation of other IAU competitions and approve their dates, venues and conditions.
To frame regulations for the establishment of World Best Performances and to ratify these performances
To promote and develop ultradistance running in each Continent by encouraging specific activities in each of the IAAF Continental Areas: Africa, Asia, Europe, North and Central America and Caribbean, Oceania and South America.
To assist with the international development of ultradistance running by providing technical advice, other information and assistance when requested
To produce such publications as the Ultra Marathon Race Handbook, Newsletter, International Fixture List and Championship Regulations

The IAAF Member in any country shall be eligible and take precedence for IAU Membership; OR

the National Ultrarunning Association recognised by the IAAF Member and authorised by the IAAF Member to be the IAU Member; OR

the National Ultrarunning Association of a country in which the recognised IAAF Member is either not involved or not interested in the organisation of ultradistance running may be the IAU Member.

There can be only one IAU Member per country

Application for IAU Membership by an IAAF Member has to be renewed every 4 years and for voting purposes 120 days before an Ordinary Congress is scheduled.
Any abbreviation used for the names of IAAF Members must be in conformity with the IAAF abbreviations
National Ultrarunning Associations which have an IAAF Member as the IAU Member shall be eligible for IAU Associate Membership. and Application has to be renewed every 4 years. They will not have a vote. Applications have to be renewed every 4 years.
Individuals involved in the sport and contributing to the aims of the IAU shall be considered for IAU Individual Membership. They will not have a vote.
The IAU Bureau shall establish a list of members and an electoral list will also be prepared.
The Congress, every four years, will decide if an annual fee is due by the IAU Members, and if confirmed by Congress, will fix the amount.


The Executive Council is responsible for the administration of the IAU and carrying out
decisions made by the Congress
The Executive Council shall consist of a maximum of 13 members as under
(a) six officers
-Vice President
-Director of Development
-Director of Competitions
-Director of Organisations
-Director of Asian Affairs

(b) A maximum of six Area Group Representatives to be elected by Area Members (one from each of the Areas as defined by the IAAF) if the Area Group has four or more countries represented..

(c) One IAAF representative, appointed by the IAAF.

The six Officers of the Executive Council shall be elected for a period of four years and may stand for re-election

The Executive Council shall meet at least once a year. The President, or the Vice President in his absence, will preside at all meetings of the Executive Council.

The President and each other member of the Executive Council shall have a vote. The President, in the case of a tie in the voting, shall have a second or casting vote.

The Executive Council’s duties and authorities shall include the following:
(a) to supervise all aspects of the preparation of the Ordinary Congresses
(b) to submit to each Congress a report, together with audited sheets for the preceding period, and a budget for the succeeding year
(c) to summon an extraordinary Congress to deal with any special case of great importance requiring an urgent decision
(d) to establish, approve, reject or amend regulations for World Best Performances and to maintain a register of such.
(e) to establish Commissions (e.g. Women, Veterans, Race Directors…) for each of which the Executive Council will define the duties, the period of their activities and their composition.

5.7 Finance
(a) the Finances shall be conducted in a prudent manner which will assure the continuation of IAU activities and programmes.
(b) every four years the Executive Council will appoint one of it’s Members to act as representative for financial matters. This member will report every year to the Executive Council and once every four years to the Congress
(c) an annual budget (accompanied by a financial forecast for the four year cycle), shall be drawn up for approval by the Executive Council


The Congress of the IAU shall consist of the Executive Council Members, not more than three delegates from each IAU Member, or IAAF Member and the Chairpersons of the IAU Committees and Commissions..

An Ordinary IAU Congress shall be convened every four years (normally in the year of the Olympic Games). The date and venue of the Congress shall be confirmed at the preceding meeting of the Congress if known.

Invitations to attend the Congress will be sent to the Members 90 days before the date of the Congress by the IAU Bureau. The invitation will show a Preliminary Agenda which will be amended should members wish items to be added.

The final Agenda will be completed 30 days before the date of the Congress. It shall include at least the following items:

– Opening by the President
– Appointment of scrutineers
– Report by the Executive Council
– Financial report
– Proposals of the Members
– Proposals of the Executive Council

An Extraordinary Congress may be convened by the Executive Council and shall be so convened, if not less than half of the IAU members give notice in writing to the IAU Bureau stating that they desire such a meeting and the reasons therefore. The Executive Council shall summon an Extraordinary Congress to be held within three months from receipt of the aforementioned notice.

Only Members applying to join the IAU more than 120 days before the date of Congress may take part in any meeting of the Congress.

An IAU Member may have no more than three delegates present at the Congress, only one of whom may record votes. The IAU Members must certify the names of the delegate (s) to the IAU Bureau representative prior to the commencement of the Congress meeting.

A delegate may only represent one member

Immediately after the number of Members present has been confirmed, the first voting strength shall be announced, and the appointment of scrutineers nominated by the Executive Council from the delegates at the Congress shall be approved.
On the recommendations of the Executive Council and in recognition of valued services given to the IAU, Congress shall be entitled to elect Honorary Life Presidents, Honorary Life Vice Presidents and Honorary Life Personal Members , without voting powers.

In addition, the Congress on the recommendation of the Executive Council may grant the following awards:
a. IAU Veteran Diploma for long and meritous service to the cause of International ultradistance running within IAU activities
b. IAU Diploma of Merit for meritous service in the cause of ultradistance running within IAAF Area Groups to be proposed by Area Groups
c. Admittance to the IAU Hall of Fame for exceptional, meritous performances of outstanding athletes and other persons within the IAU activities.

All nominations for any Executive Council or Committee positions shall have been submitted to the IAU Bureau at least 60 days prior to the date of the Congress
Nominations for any Executive Council or Committee positions must be made by the candidates IAU Member respecting the prescriptions of the Rule 6.6
Nominations for Committee positions can also made by any Member of the IAU Executive Council
A candidate can be nominated for several positions but elected to only one.
No election shall take effect until the conclusion of the Congress or the end of the IAU 100km World Challenge.
The elections shall be held in the following order:
(a) Executive Council
– President
– vice-president
– 4 Directors in the order defined in Rule 5.2

(b) IAU Committees
– Technical Committee 6 members
– Records Committee 6 members

(c) IAU Arbitration Panel: one Chairman and 4 members
For all elections a simple majority is required
In the case of a tie, a second ballot, involving the two or more persons concerned will take place. If there is a further tie the IAU Executive Council will decide.


All Committees shall be elected for a period of four years

The IAU President shall be an ex-officio member of all Committees

The Technical Committee will be chaired by the IAU Director of Competitions

The Records Committee will be chaired by the IAU Vice President


In the event of disputes arising between Members, or between a Member and the IAU (Executive Council or Congress) and such dispute not be resolved to the satisfaction of both parties, then the matter may be referred to the Arbitration Panel by the Executive Council. The Executive Council must certify that special circumstances exist in justifying an arbitration.

Any decision made by the Arbitration Panel shall be considered final by all parties.

The IAU Arbitration procedure will follow the IAU Arbitration Guidelines.

The members of the Arbitration Panel cannot be Executive Council Members or Members of any IAU Committee.

The Chairman shall be suitably qualified for the position


At all Congress Meetings each member may speak in his or her own language but has to arrange for the translation of the address into English.

The rules, minutes and other communications will be expressed in English only.

Unless otherwise provided for, all legal matters with third parties shall be negotiated in


The Executive Council shall have the power to suspend a Member or an Affiliated Association until the next meeting of Congress or for any shorter period if; in the opinion of the Executive Council, the IAU is better able to achieve any of it’s objects by the suspension of this member

A member has the right of appeal against Suspension as defined under 9.1 and this must be lodged with the IAU Bureau within one month following receipt of the notice of suspension.


A proposal to amend the Constitution, unless this is proposed by Executive Council, must be submitted to the IAU Bureau by a Member at least 60 days prior to the Congress at which it is to be considered.

All proposals, including those proposed by Council, shall be sent by the IAU Bureau to members at least 30 days before the Congress.

To be accepted any such proposals must obtain two-thirds of the votes cast, which two-thirds must also represent at least one-half of the aggregate voting power of all Members of the IAU ( a special majority)..

Voor vragen : ton.smeets@ou.nl