Budel Dorplein 10:15 p.m.

The final words for today on Stein six houre race!

The circumstances where not right for Jan Vandendriessche to set a new world best performance -as records on the road must be called!-. Second man in the race, Veron Lust missed the Dutch record by only 22 meters 🙂 We all know we can enjoy another great race of Veron Lust, because he is able to set a new national record. I am looking already forward for the next 6 hour I will visit; the “6 heures de La Louvière” in Belgium on March 31st. I do not know if I get the opportunity to give such a detailed report of the race; I am not sure at all if I can give a live report at all. But we will do this more often. Next to do is contact Texel 60/120 K and ofcourse the European Championships 24 hours Apeldoorn in May. It was a kind of a test to see what we are able to. And I must say “mission completed!”.

We live only 30 miles / 50K from Stein, so we are back home again. Watching other sports at television; it is relaxing just watching sport, isn’t it?

We did break a record today at Stein! Never had so many people visit our site. It is broken not just by a few percent but almost doubled, as far as we can judge now -local time, we still have two hours to go for our Sunday-, but the record is already in the pocket.

Something else. We meet people from Belgium, who just by accident read about our 6 hour race on the internet. They took the car and visited the race! So, it does not only contribute to electronic support, some where moved to physical support at the spot as well.

During the next days we will give information of lap recordings, final results of the Limburg Trophy, -hopefully not but maybe- corrections for the final results etceteras.

This evening we will come back with the results by age group as well:

Men up to 40
Women up to 40

as Stein is used to do!

Hope you enjoyed the day, and keep on looking forward for more information on this race and many others to come.

Anton Smeets

PS Thanks for those who send an e-mail, you did support me as well!