Latest news Texel.

Special for all our friends from abroad the latest information about the new date of Texel 60 and 120K race, and the alternative 6 hour race at Easter (16/3/2001).

‘De 60/120 van Texel’ is postponed till 21 October 2001!

And a new replacing event for those runners that come anyway to Texel with Easter:
The Six Hours of Texel, on Eastermonday 16 April 2001

As already announced here on UltraNED on 27 March, a number of the nature reserve areas of Texel have been closed by the authorities for tourists, including runners, to prevent an infection of cattle by Foot & Mouth. Moreover, the official Texel Foot & Mouth Crisis Team (Maul- und Klauenseuche) has also given the obligatory advise to the organization to postpone ‘De 60/120 van Texel’ till a much later date in the second half of this year. Apologies for this embarrassing news, but please do not be angry since this postponement is also for the organization ‘force majeure’. Meanwhile we have selected a new date, 21 October 2001, that has already been approved by the KNAU.

We trust that all entries will try to participate on the new date 21 October.
If so, there is no further action needed from your side. Your entry will remain in our computer files, including your possible reservation for a bed in the NIOZ dormitories.

If you are not able to come to Texel for the race on the new date: please make your cancellation before 1 May, by letter to P.J. Bakelaar, Noordwester 53, 1791 HE Den Burg or by email to

For those runners that have already booked accommodation, and now face the dilemma of cancelling (with financial consequences), or using the booking by actually coming to Texel just for a short stay, we have arranged an alternative race on 16 April as replacement for the cancelled landscape run: a six hours race. See a separate announcement today or tomorrow on UltraNED for more details, in the presumption that you understand most of the text, albeit in Dutch.