Apeldoorn 3 hours before start.

An impression of flag parade and first Norwegian meassage from Per Lind.

It was impressive to see 24 counties, 24 flags last evening during the flag parade. Within a few minutes the technical meeting starts, and I have to be there. So I keep it short.

For all of you the most important information is that we are able to bring live coverage of the 2001 European Championships 24 hours.

If you want to give a message, please send an e-mail to a.smeets@trouwweb.nl ; we will print it and give it to the announcer (hope that 24 hours is enough to announce all e-mails:-) ).

Now I give the words to Per Lind (NOR):

Vi er naa i Apeldoorn, vaeret er straalende og humoeret er paa topp. Baade Joergen og Lars er i kamphumoer.
Det kommer til aa bli et fantastisk loep, et loep hvem som helst av en hel rekke loepere kan vinne. Joergen konner til aa satse alt paa aa forbedre sin 8. plass fra Verona i 99, og Lars vil ogsaa proeve aa bedre sin 14. plass fra Uden i fjor.

Picture: French team during flag parade in their new national clothes.
