Trails in Frankrijk

Naar aanleiding van een artikel eerder op UltraNED geeft Gérard Stenger toelichting.

Gérard Stenger responds to the article on

Dear Anton,

I suppose you spoke for the event “La Fortiche de Maurienne” ! (115Km)
That event will be organise on July 21st. At the first event, organisers was obliged to stop the race at 85Km. WEATHER was terrible and the race dangerous.

Donnot forget, the time-limit is 32Hours.
Total of difference of level; 7200m.
20 refreshment stations
Tel: +33 4 79 20 32 63 / +33 6 68 84 70 41 / +33 6 62 50 55 90

Will be a fantastic challenge.
Did some quiet friends prefer ” le grand raid du Mercantour” ?
106Km – time-limit is 20Hours.
Total of difference of level; 4397m.
7 refreshment stations
Tel: +33 4 93 79 33 34 / Fax: +33 4 93 21 78 27

Best wishes to all ultra crazy friends.
