Winschoten EC 100 K 29/9 16:20

New leader at half way point.

In the fifth lap the Slavakian Miroslav Vindis took over the lead from Vladimir Netreba from Rusia. It seems to be a serious action form Vindis. Netreba was on paper one of the favorits to be our new European Champion, but his first laps were to convincing. It was of course better to stay in a group. Our Belgium team -second in Cleder five weaks ago- go well; only Ivan Hostes has little problems after a probably to fast start. The Dutch team is running almost as a trio with Edward de Ruiter about ten meters in front of Wim Epskamp and Veron Lust who seem to cooperate very good during the race so far. Having in mind that it is also a Dutch 100K championship the moment will come that the positions of the Dutch team members have other importancies as well.

Latest news; after five laps (16:30) Veron Lust is the first Dutch, followed by Edward de Ruiter and Wim Epskamp about 15 seconds behind.

Sun is still shining in Wischoten.

Anton Smeets