JKM 2002: terugblikken van Guus en Anke

Een verslag van een thuisblijver en van een uitloopster. Second report is in english!

Guus Smit en Anke Drescher vertrouwen ons hun eerste impressies en ervaringen toe.
De teksten zijn ongecensureerd, dus ook de vraag over het inschrijfgeld hebben we gewoon laten staan. Bovendien mag iederen weten dat alle lopers gelijk zijn bij deze JKM.

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Achterover in m’n luie stoel klikte ik vanavond, 1e paasdag, de Ultranedsite
aan en kon de eerste JKM nieuwtjes aanschouwen.

Rut, Karl, Ronald en alle andere finishers: PROFICIAT!
Rob, complimenten voor de foto’s. Ultraned gaat zo steeds fraaier worden.
En last but not least een dikke pluim voor Ton Smeets, redder van de JKM

Guus Smit,
Tjuisblijver JKM 2002. Finisher JKM 1996,1998 en 2000

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THANKS to you and all of the organisers and helpers of the JKM. Thanks – for letting me finish. I did it – quite late, I could not keep the 19 h -, but I was not forced to give up.
Thus, my memories of “running in the NL”are not harmed or even destroyed. In contrast: this really WAS an adventure for me, and I will never forget it – and return as soon as possible to make up for my “speed failure” in some other race.

I thought of Jan’s philosophy of running. So I did not want to get out of the run. There are targets in life and in sports. I wanted to reach this target, in spite of the difficulties. I felt that I would sort of “hurt” the intention of the memorial by giving up, just because it is easier and quicker to go by train than to run/walk to Hoek. Now, I belonging to the'”JKM-people”, and I am happy of that.

Problems? It was not too bad up to Egmont. There, we had some stupid orienteering problems, I missed a post by 200 m, right in front of the beach. Then – the beach was extremely difficult this time. I had to run too much in too soft sand *high tide” in the afternoon. Furthermore, there was strong wind from the front. It cost me too much energy, so I walked. In Santpoot, I thought that there was enough time left, but then, things (beach, wind, always looking for WCs which cost me around 2 hours…) became more difficult. The post before Norderdijk was the last I saw / nothing in Scheveningen etc. So I could not inform you! My mobile does not work in NL. Up to Norderdijk, there were only 15 min distance to the runner before me. So at that time, I was still optimistic.

Scheveningen was crazy: too many people. I got lost. No street name sign because of construction site. One hour to get through! Then there was more wind, and more soft sand….

well / things worked out well: I went into the Semaphore. People there helped me and phoned Frans and Sim, I could pass the night at Frans’ house. GREAT. Another thing which made finishing worth while.

I think that I got more impressions and adventures from that than from a “perfect”race.

Of course, I thought that I would be better on sand, because I did a lot of running on snow. Well – things are different, I have to practise.

Ton, I wanted to pay the Euro 35 in Den Helder! I could not, because you were a bit distracted when I asked. I had some nasty dreams this night about it: (people being angry because I was so slow, and delay money etc.)
How to make it up? How / where to send / transfer it?

I hope that you understand that finishing was the most important thing for me. Now, there are even more great and adventurous memories. Thanks to all who helped me to do so.

Ah / I really did not need posts at the end. The only bad thing was that I could not inform anybody that I was slower than expected, but happily alive.

IK DANK U WEL. All of you. That was a “real Easter” for me.
