EC 24 hours after 7 hours

Race report from Gravigny after seven hours

Lubomir Hrmo (pronounce “Hermo”) is still leading the race with a small margin to Alain Prual. It was Paul Beckers who had some difficulties in the past hours. Of course he is not the only one, but being the champion 2001, he is in the spotlight today.
Remarkable is the battle between Edit Berces and Irina Reutovitch. It might be that these two are too much concentrated to each other, giving Irina Koval the opportunity to stay cool and wait for the second half of the race. Irina Reutovitch, Edith Berces and Irina Koval met earlier this year during the 48 hours of Surgeres France. Coming lady in the race is Veronique Jehanno; will she give a surprise?
Let’s have a look at the result list after seven hours:

distance after time (pace)
82.127 after 6:52’39 (11.94) Edith Berces (HUN)
80.689 after 6:53’33 (11.71) Irina Reutovitch (RUS)
76.374 after 6:55’57 (11.02) Veronique Jehanno (FRA)
76.374 after 6:57’23 (10.98) Joëlle Semur (FRA)
76.374 after 6:57’38 (10.97) Irina Koval (RUS)
74.936 after 6:53’31 (10.87) Galina Gordeeva (RUS)
73.497 after 6:51’47 (10.71) Sharon Gayter (GBR)
72.059 after 6:56’01 (10.39) Rimma Paltseva (RUS)

70.621 after 6:58’59 (10.11) Lyudimila Kalinina (FRA)

For men, Alain Mallereau, France (at the moment 20th) could be a coming man during the night to come. Wim Epskamp, Netherlands is doing fine as well (16th for the moment). Another man to mention is Karl Graf, Germany (27th at the moment). From his wife I learned that he is used to be called “Kally” or “Cally” if you wish. Loic Lebon came into the picture during the last hours, as well as the Russian runners. Loic Lebon we know of course from the 100 km races at Cleder, just about 400 km from here.
After seven hours the men’s lists looks as follows:

distance after time (pace)
89.319 after 6:59’59 (12.76) Lubomir Hrmo (SVK)
87.880 after 6:53’36 (12.75) Alain Prual (FRA)
86.442 after 6:54’27 (12.51) Timour Abzalilov (RUS)
85.004 after 6:54’23 (12.31) Loic Lebon (FRA)
83.565 after 6:53’26 (12.13) Andrei Kazantsev (RUS)
83.565 after 6:53’34 (12.12) Jean-Pierre Guyomarc’h
83.565 after 6:53’34 (12.12) Sergey Ishmulkin (RUS)
83.565 after 6:53’43 (12.12) Vincenzo Tarascio (ITA)
83.565 after 6:57’59 (12.00) Mohamed Magroun (FRA)
83.565 after 6:59’28 (11.95) Antonio Mazzeo (ITA)

Complete results are available on

Anton Smeets