EC 24 hours after 11 hours

Race report from Gravigny after eleven hours

Almost half way the race, but in a certain sense we are already half way. A rule of the thumb tells us that the distance covered after about 11 hours in a 24 hour race is about the half of the final distance. If so my early predictions will come true. I predicted 260 to 265 km as the winning distance for men and 230 to 235 for women. With Hrmo’s distance of 134 km after 11 hours and Berces 124 km it seems that they reach those goals.
If Edith Berces and Irina Reutovitch continue both, a tremendous final distance will be the result that is for sure. Moreover, Irina Koval and also Veronique Jehanno are still in the race.
For men Jens Lukas is doing fine. At the moment he is fifth, but it would not surprise me if he gets a medal.
Time has come already for several athletes to have serious problems. Paul Beckers, still the champion for the 13 hours to come, has left the race. Stuard Buchan, having an ultramarathon debut on 24 hours with 230 km -so they told me- has now the confrontation with it’s own trying to level up with his earlier result. The Dutch athlete, Wim Epskamp, needs some rest, but he will continue the race.

distance after time (pace)
122.400 after 10:51’25 (11.41) Edith Berces (HUN)
122.400 after 10:58’38 (11.15) Irina Reutovitch (RUS)
115.208 after 10:53’41 (10.57) Irina Koval (RUS)
115.208 after 10:57’26 (10.51) Veronique Jehanno (FRA)
112.331 after 10:51’23 (10.35) Joëlle Semur (FRA)
112.331 after 10:58’15 (10.24) Galina Gordeeva (RUS)
109.455 after 10:57’01 (10.00) Sharon Gayter (GBR)
109.455 after 10:58’39 ( 9.97) Lyudimila Kalinina (FRA)
108.017 after 10:53’46 ( 9.91) Rimma Paltseva (RUS)

distance after time (pace)
133.319 after 10:57’36 (12.22) Lubomir Hrmo (SVK)
132.468 after 10:58’23 (12.07) Timour Abzalilov (RUS)
131.029 after 10:56’33 (11.97) Mohamed Magroun (FRA)
131.029 after 10:57’15 (11.96) Alain Prual (FRA)
128.153 after 10:57’46 (11.69) Jens Lukas (GER)
126.714 after 10:56’08 (11.59) Loic Lebon (FRA)
125.276 after 10:57’07 (11.44) Jean-Pierre Guyomarc’h
125.276 after 10:58’05 (11.42) Antonio Mazzeo (ITA)
123.838 after 10:53’20 (11.37) Marco Olmo (ITA)
123.838 after 10:53’31 (11.37) Andrei Kazantsev (RUS)
123.838 after 10:58’23 (11.29) Sergey Ishmulkin (RUS)
122.400 after 10:55’10 (11.21) Vincenzo Tarascio (ITA)

Note that Italy will have a good team result based on these digits! Italy becomes a serious competitor for the Russian team.

Complete results are available on

Anton Smeets