European Championship 24 hours 2001

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A special welcome to everybody who is visiting the IAU Virtual Headquarters ( )
This page is deliberately marked with the date Mai 27th, so it will stay on top of the list of news contributions during the European Championships 24 hours on Mai 25th/26th in Apeldoorn.

You can select the contents of an article by selecting the “Lees verder” button, as you did to read this.
At the end of each article you will find a list “gerelateerde artikelen”; i.e. related articles with hyperlinks to all other articles which are related to the same event.

During the European Championships we will keep you informed by publishing live reports and intermediate results. Most of the articles will be in English; but if possible, we will give also information in French or other languages (depending on people who will contribute in their language!). Of course, names and numbers is language independent. In other cases the heading of the article will indicate the language used.

Hope to inform you this week with the latest news. Looking forward to meet you on the website. If you have already news of your national team or whatsoever write to .

Anton Smeets
