100 km & 50 km race in Dzintari (LAT)

Een 100 km en 50 km in Letland; voor wie deze zomer of volgende zomer oostwaards trekt.

6th international ultramarathon, organised by Latvian Supermarathon Club (LSK)

Date: 07-07-2001
Next: 10-08-2002
Note that we original published 13-07-2002 for next year, but it has been changed tot 10-08-2002!

Start at 09:00 hours; time limit 100 km = 12:30 hours, 50 kms = 6:00 hours (In race also has been fixate results in classic marathon)

Race course: Start / finish in the town of Jurmala, in Dzintari under the bridge. Asphalt loop between Dzintari and Bulduri (Brivibas street, viaduct, Rigas street, Daizkopibus street). One lap is 3846.15 m, certified by IAAF. 50 km = 13 laps; 100 km = 26 laps; marathon = 10 laps + 3733.5 m.

Participants: 20 years and older.

Prizes: for the overall 1-3 place winners (men & women) in 50 km and 1-3 place in 100 km.

Entry fee: 15,00 Ls (25,00 USD or 45,00 DM)

Service: refreshments at start / finish area (tea with sugar, mineral water, fruits, bread and salt) and water for refreshing. Individual drinks and food are permitted in stat / finish area only.

Entries: preliminary entries, in written form or by tel/fax. Registration and receptio of race numbers one hour before start.

Organizers: Latvian Supermarathon Club & Jurmala selfgoverment. Address for correspondence: p.k. 276, LV – 1082 Riga. Raimonds Klints (vicepresident of LSK), tel/fax +371 – 7276325 (home) 7279841 (work), mob. 6546835. Dainis Arajs (general secretary), e-mail arajs@rs.gov.lv , tel. +371 7176396, Georgs Jermolajevs (president) tel. +371 7205341.

Note: guest runners who may require inexpensive accommodation, should send preliminary entry as early as posible. Hotel “Baltia” SPA-Hotel, Dzintaru street 11, tel. +371 762338, single 25 USD per day.

50 km men 1996 3:20’36 Rimas Jakelaitis (LIT)
50 km women 1996 4:27’40 Nagezda Kavtaskina (LAT)
100 km men 1996 8:13’39 Viktors Suborins (LAT)

50 km men 1997 4:01’19 Voldemars Valdmanis (LAT)
100 km men 1997 10:22’26 Aleksandrs Orlovs (LAT)

50 km men 1998 3:39’39 Raimonds Senfelds (LAT)
50 km women 1998 4:32’56 Nagezda Kavtaskina (LAT)
100 km men 1998 8:35’40 Kevicins Petruskevicius (LIT)

50 km men 1999 3:41’34 Guntis Kanavins (LAT)
50 km women 1999 3:41’50 Anta Lapa (LAT)
100 km men 1999 10:47’36 Aleksandrs Matvejevs (LAT)

50 km men 2000 3:28’47 Andris Dudels (LAT)
50 km women 2000 5:21’50 Olga Liepa (LAT)
100 km men 2000 8:12’51 Andris Dudels (LAT)

Anton Smeets