50 km downhill 12/4

This Jordan ultramarathon, 50 km downhill and shorter distances, is a special event which had participants from Belgium and the Netherlands in the past editions.

The race starts at 6:30 am at Jabal Amman 7th circle and ends in the Dead Sea, it begins at 900 meters above sea level and ends 50 kilometers (31 miles) later at around 400 meters below sea level (a difference of 1300 meters) and is divided into four events: Ultra marathon (50km), marathon (42km), half-marathon (21km) and relay (50km category only). Relay teams can be a minimum of 2 people and a maximum of 4 people. The first 12km of our run are slightly up and down hill, the next 32km are completely down hill and the last few km are completely flat.

The weather in Jordan is pleasurable during spring, the most beautiful season in
Jordan, fields and mountains are coated with rich greenery and exquisite

Natural mineral water is available every 4km in front of the blue flags along the route as well as first aid, ambulances, roving marshals, ambulances and cops on bikes in case of emergencies.
Massages, showers, changing rooms and toilets will be available on the beach at at the Dead Sea Valley.

Dead Sea profile:

Located in the Jordan Rift Valley 403 meters below sea level, the Dead Sea
basin represents one of the ecological marvels of the world. Aside from
representing the ‘lowest point on Earth,’ it is the saltiest body of water
known to Mankind, attracting people from all parts of the world.
Environmentalists come to study its unique ecosystem, patients uses its
waters for skin treatment, and tourists come to experience the sensation of
‘floating on water’ and basking its midday sun.

The Runners:

The event has gained momentum and now attracts runners from all over the
world. This year saw the participation of about 560 runners from 19
different countries — running the full ultra distance, marathon, half
marathon or relay.

The Dead Sea Ultra Marathon Fund:

The Amman Dead Sea Ultra Marathon is proud to sponsor the Society for Care
of Neurological Patients, a local charitable NGO offering medical help to
needy neurological patients.
Established in 1986 under the honorary patronage of HRH Crown Prince Hassan,
the Society has provided financial help (through an endowment fund) for
necessary medical services (neurosurgical operations) to countless numbers
of people in need of assistance. The Society also has a “sister society” for
care of neurological patients in the United Kingdom.

Runners’ view

Feedback from the Dutch Blue Team

“Everything was fantasic, the race, the volunteers, our drivers, the prince, the Cola you have transported.
It was fabulous, i will send you a copy of the Dutch Television whit Newspaper
Thank you and i hope you i see you again in friendly Jordan”

JD3000 for Palestine Hospital

“Dear Rana Abu-Lughod,
How are you? exhausted I think. You did a great job, the organisation was perfect. And more runners participating. One remark, can you not just skip those terrible hills at the end of the parcours. They attacked the muscles in my legs, you know. And than when you do this, just put a curtain for the sun on the day we run. And make the traject a little bit shorter, than we can make personal records!
Don’t pay attention to this nonsens. It was really great. It was one big family, the Jordanians and the foreigners. To do it together, the runners and the supporters. Thats what happened. I thank you for this day.
My sponsor project was a success. On Monday 70% of the 1500 JD; on Wednesday 1600 JD; on Thursday 1700 and on marathon day JD 3000!
Members of Rotary clubs gave money, people of the Dutch community, many businessman form Jordan, and many ambassadors and other diplomats have funded personally the Sania Charitable Fund.
Yesterday I gave the cheque, in front of the sponsors, to Dr Nasri Khoury. He thanked the sponsors on behalf of the Fund. We had a nice party, with dancing (which I could do than, not this day), drinks and food. I think you had a good feast to, I think.
Rana thank you for your cooperation,
I see you, best regards to all the people involved,
Andre Bouwens”