Verona (ITA) 24 hour track race 22,23/9

Rules and Handbook of Lupatottissima 2001, September Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd.


G. S. MOMBOCAR “Automatic Dorando – Riso San Marco” and Municipal Management of San Giovanni Lupatoto


We bill maximum 70 runners in the 24H track race, including 3 special entries (wild card) in a common agreement between IAU and Lupatotissima organisation. As suggested by IAU, we will reserve 4 men + 4 Women places for each nation. IAU 24 Hours Individual Track Championships is not a Team Competition, but an Individual Event.


Free entry


 by fax +39 045 9251595 (put out only Thursday evening)
 E-mail
 postal sending to: Gruppo Sportivo Mombocar – Via Marconi 5 – 37057 San Giovanni Lupatoto (VERONA-ITALY)

By Federations:
Until August 31 2001 each Federation will send own entry.
Until September 10th 2001 each Federation will send the list of own runners, with names, date of births, sex and curriculum.
Each Federation will inform the Organizing Committee about the procedure and the timetables of arrival and leaving.

By the runners affiliated and do not object for participation by their federation : until August 31 2001. Each runner will send own date of birth, sex and curriculum and will inform the Organizing Committee about the procedure and the timetables of arrival and leaving.


INFO-POINT – in Stadium (from Thursday September 20th ) : hour 10-12 and 16-19
– Hotel City (San Giovanni Lupatoto – tel. +39 045 9251500 – E-mail

MEALS gratis (h 13.00 – 19.30) (from Thursday 20/9 h 13.00 to Sunday 24/9 h 13.15) for all the runners and in our oeno-gastronomic stands (in stadium).

ACCOMODATION a) gratis in 2 Scholastic Gymnasiums (with bed)
b) allowance 50% (for maximum 4 days) in Hotel with our convention for all the runners and for the
Team-leader (for example: cost of double room 55.000/60.000 instead of 110.000/115.000 LIT.)

OUR BUS free service of transfer from and to railway Station, from and to Hotel or Gymnasiums

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in working


Friday September 21 th
16.30 Technical Meeting
18.30 meeting national teams for Opening ceremony
19.00 Opening Ceremony

Saturday September 22 th
07.00 opening stadium
10.10 Control call
10.30 Start
14.00 payments of traveling expenses of the Team-Leaders

Sunday September 23th
10.30 finish
11.30 payments of traveling expenses of the runners
12.15 Prize awarding Ceremony
13.15 Final Dinner
14.00 payments of prizes (in money)


The Technical Meeting will take place on FRIDAY September 21th in “PALAFESTA” .
Before the technical meeting (in Stadium, near-by “INFO-POINT”) each delegation leader will be given this MANUAL and a FORM, inviting questions for the Technical Meeting.
May attend the Technical Meeting without limits of number: team leaders, runners, interpreters.
The Technical meeting shall be conducted in Italian and English (if necessary in French).

h 16:30 each delegation leader will be given a package with technical matter
delivery of writing questions

h 17:00 Greetings from Local Organizing Committee President
Presentation of the Authorities (IAU, FIDAL, IUTA, Competition Official)
Greetings from IAU President
Greetings from FIDAL delegate
Greetings from IUTA President
Technical Information and Advertising Rules
Answer to questions previously submitted in writing

– Rules and Details
– 2 Numbers (two are to be worn on the front and back of the vest)
– safety pins
– chip Winning Time (to compute laps and time)
– list of competitors
– form for repayment of traveling expenses (for the runners and for the team leader)
– form for protest
– timetable for hourly speed
– schedule for laps
– package with presents and souvenirs
– labels for personal drinks

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9) OPENING CEREMONIES of IAU 24 Hours Individual Track Championships – FRIDAY September 21th

The Opening Ceremony will take place on Friday September 21th.
All participating delegations (runners, team leaders, assistants) are required to take part in the Ceremony. Each delegation (with one team member in his approved uniform) will enter the venue behind a placard bearer and the official flag of their delegation. On the placards will be the names of the delegations in English. The delegations will enter the venue in alphabetical order. The flag of San Giovanni Lupatoto shall be the first to enter and shall be followed by the Competition Officials. The Italian delegation shall be the last to enter.

h 18:30: meeting of delegations (in PALAFESTA)
h 19:00: beginning of delegations parade (on track)
h 19:30: Greetings from the Mayor of San Giovanni Lupatoto (front the grandstand)
Official Speech of Opening of IAU President

10) PLACE of the RACE
The race will take place at the RUBTAN-S six lane track-and-field sports in San Giovanni Lupatoto/Verona (Italy).
The competitors of IAU 24 H individual track Championships will run on the three external lanes (forth, fifth and sixth) (4th line = mt 422,37). Whereas the three most internal lanes will be devoted to the “24 x 1 H Relay race”.

 Organizing Committee: “Gruppo Sportivo Mombocar” (at INFO-POINT, at NEUTRALIZATION AREA during the race)
 Competition Official of FIDAL (Italian Federation of Athletics)
 Recording times by FICR (Italian Federation of time-keepers)
 Recording laps and times by WINNING TIME with chips (transpoders)

Each runner must wear a chip, to compute laps and time. For every athlete we will compute all laps (in the 4th lane = 422,37 m) covered during the race. In case the fraction of lap that has not been ended at the expiring of the 24 hours, the measuring will be in meters. To allow this measuring in the last few minutes of the race, every competitor will be asked to bear a numbered mark that he/she should leave in the exact point of the track he/she is in, at the expiring of the 24 hours. All these operations will take place under the supervision of the Competition Officials, who will take care of the above-mentioned measuring of the meters covered in the last lap partially carried out.

The results will be available during the race at INFO-POINT and NEUTRALIZATION AREA.
Particularly are available:
 Number of laps (every hour)
 at km. 21,097 (half marathon)
 at km. 42,195 (marathon)
 at km. 48,280 (30 miles)
 at km. 50
 at km. 64,374 (40 miles)  at km. 80,467 (50 miles)
 at km. 100
 at km. 150
 at km. 160,934 (100 miles)
 at km. 200
 at km. 250

14) CHANGE DIRECTION (every 4 hours)
 from 10.30 to 14.30 : clockwise (in a way opposite to traditional track races)
 from 14.30 to 18.30 : counter-clockwise (race usual way)
 from 18.30 to 22.30 : clockwise
 from 22.30 to 02.30 : counter-clockwise
 from 02.30 to 06.30 : clockwise
 from 06.30 to 10.30 : counter-clockwise

How the direction of race changes: at the following intervals (that will be signaled by a Competition Official with a gun-shot) 14.30 – 18.30 – 22.30 – 02.30 – 06.30 , every runner will end the current lap up to the “buoy turn” (especially created and signaled in proximity to the 200 m.). At this point he/she will invert the race direction and will run in the fifth lane up to the finish/start line. As soon as possible after the finish/start line he/she will run again normally in the fourth lane.

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“NEUTRALIZATION AREA” (on the external side of the bend preceding the finish-straight)
The Neutralization Area (long 100 m.) is equipped with:
– official refreshment
– sponging area
– area for personal drink
– WC (At 5 meters from the track)
– Organization’s tent at the disposal of the athletes (for rest halts) and of their assistants.
The Neutralization Area will be controlled under the supervision of the Competition Officials.
The refreshment, the sponging and the other facilitations outside the “Neutralization Area” are forbidden.
The refreshment and the sponging are available only after 30 minutes from the start.

In other areas of the Stadium will be also available: toilets, shower-baths, others WC, medical service and masseurs


10 meters before the official refreshment it’s possible to take to specific table own personal drinks.
If the competitors want to make use of this service, they must label their drink-containers with their race-number (the labels will be delivered in technical meeting).
The runners will delivery their personal drinks on the specific table, from h. 10:00 to the start of the race.

The chip is striped just above the ankle of the right leg facing outside; the runner must wear the chip before he/she steps to the start area. The system could under no circumstances confuse a chip’s readings with the chip of a different runner; the chip cannot be re-programmed and used again in a different event.
The uniforms must be in conformity with International Technical Rules (rule n. 18, paragraph 13-14-15-16).
The change of uniforms is possible during the race. The numbers must be very exposed.
In the case of injures, only official medical officers provided by the Organizing Committee will be permitted to enter the track. The medical officer will determine what further treatment is required. The official doctor may order to runners to quit the race.
Any type of accompany during the race is forbidden.
The runner assistants cannot stay in the track. The assistants may go near the runners only for refreshment, sponging, change of uniforms and for other facilitations, provided in the “Neutralization Area”.
Sponging: the sponges must be left within limits (40 meters)
It’s not obligatory to shift from the first line to let outrun other most fast runners. It’s forbidden to run coupled.
The pause and the rest are permitted only in the Organization’s Tent of the “Neutralization Area”.
The runners may leave the track only in “Neutralization Area” (refreshment, sponging, change of uniforms, Wc, pauses, rests and for other facilitations) and in the Area of medical service and masseurs. If the runners will leave the track for other causes will be ousted from the race.

The protests shall be made to the Referee (with the particular form) within 30 minutes of the official announcement of the results


to all competitors: degree of participation + package with presents and souvenirs (T-shirt, foodstuff of
“Boschetti”, “Pellini Coffee”, “Progetto Nutrizione” e “San Marco Rice”)

to arrived (Men) : 1st expenses repayment $USA 500 + souvenir + basketful VERONA (foodstuff)
2nd expenses repayment $USA 400 + souvenir + basketful VERONA (foodstuff)
3rd expenses repayment $USA 300 + souvenir + basketful VERONA (foodstuff)

4th expenses repayment $USA 200
5th expenses repayment $USA 150
6-10th expenses repayment $USA 100

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to arrived (Women) : 1st expenses repayment $USA 500 + souvenir + basketful VERONA (foodstuff)
2nd expenses repayment $USA 400 + souvenir + basketful VERONA (foodstuff)
3rd expenses repayment $USA 300 + souvenir + basketful VERONA (foodstuff)

4th expenses repayment $USA 200
5th expenses repayment $USA 100


A) to each European runner: 100 $USA
B) to each European Team Leader: 100 $USA
C) to each Russian runner: 150 $USA
D) to Russian Team Leader: 150 $USA
E) to each Out-Europa runner: 150 $USA
F) to each Out-Europa Team Leader: 150 $USA


 Saturday 22/9 from h. 14.00 to 15.30 : traveling expenses of Team Leaders (B-D-F)
 Sunday 23/9 from h. 11.30 : traveling expenses of the runners (A-C-E), with return of microchips
(in the case of no-return of the microchip, the Organizing Committee will deduct the sum of 10 $US for each microchip)
 Sunday 23/9 from h. 14.00 : prizes in money (10 men and 5 women); the prizes in money (only prizes, but not traveling
expenses) are subject to taxation with a deduction of 30%


Saturday September 22 th

07.00 opening stadium
08.30 Start of 100KM on road race – Italian Championships (Fidal Senior/Master)
10.30 Start of IAU 24 Hours Individual Track Championships
12.00 Start of 24 x 1 hour Relay
15.15 arrival of first runners of 100km on road race
18.30 GALA’ of Italian Ultra-marathon (Grandstand)
18.45 Prizing Ceremony (1st part) of 100km race (Grandstand)

Sunday September 23th
09.00 Start of “STRALUPATOTO” no-agonistic race (6 – 9 – 16 km)
09.30 Prizing Ceremony (2nd part) of 100km race (Grandstand)
10.30 Finish of IAU 24 Hours Individual Track Championships
10.35 Prizing Ceremony of the “STRALUPATOTO” (Pala-Feast)
12.00 Finish of 24 x 1 hour Relay
12.15 Prizing Ceremony of IAU 24 Hours Individual Track Championships (Pala-Feast)
13.05 Prizing Ceremony of “GOLD LUPETTO” ( journalistic prize for Italian runners) (Pala-Feast)
13.15 Prizing Ceremony of 24 x 1 hour Relay (Pala-Feast)


Friday September 21 th – h 19.00: Opening Ceremony of IAU 24 Hours Individual Track Championships
– h 20.00: opening of gastronomic stands
– h 20.30: music with “Piccolboni” BAND of Vigasio

Saturday September 22 th – gastronomic stands from the morning to hour 24
– h 20.00: dance and music with live orchestra
– h 23.15: fireworks

Sunday September 23th – gastronomic stands from the morning to hour 15.00
{efixed}Anton Smeets